Top YouTube Channels Front-End Developers Should Follow

Top YouTube Channels Front-End Developers Should Follow

1. Traversy Media

Traversy Media: Covering a wide range of topics, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more.

2. Dev Ed

Dev Ed: focusing on modern web development with tutorials and projects.

3. DesignCourse

DesignCourse - Covering front-end design and development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.

4. Kevin Powell

Kevin Powell - Focusing on CSS with tutorials, projects, and challenges.

5. Net Ninja

Net Ninja - Covering web development with tutorials on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more.

6. FreeCodeCamp

FreeCodeCamp: Offering tutorials and challenges for learning web development, including front-end technologies.

7. CSS Tricks

CSS Tricks: Offering tutorials and articles on CSS and front-end development

8. Academind

Academind: Focusing on web development with tutorials on front-end and back-end technologies.

If you have any questions, you can write me on Twitter.

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